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On some occasion we will talk about the permeability of pavers, a very valuable feature in pavements to prevent the accumulation of water on the pavement in the event of heavy rains or precipitation, harming traffic or even creating structural damage.
What types of draining pavers exist?
Drainage pavers offer numerous benefits when used in paving. We can find permeable pavers classified according to the final destination of the water they receive. On the one hand, the pavers with filtration, which allow water to be filtered into the ground for later reuse or so that it can be reused for irrigation in gardens.
On the other hand, we find storage pavers, which can store a certain amount of water in the sub-base layer.
There are also pavers that later drain the water, causing the flow of rainwater to slow down.
What are the main advantages of draining pavers
In addition to its great durability, its aesthetic possibilities, its easy maintenance, permeability is one of the main characteristics of the concrete paver. The fact that it allows water to filter, making it reach the ground to be absorbed, is one of the great advantages of concrete pavements compared to other pavements.
A porous concrete paver also has other environmental advantages such as the prevention of floods, excess surface runoff, the recovery of aquifers, the reduction of the so-called heat island effect or allows the passage of water to the roots of plants and trees.
It also guarantees better pavement safety in addition to having a low execution cost and quick installation.
How is your placement?
It is advisable to place the drainage pavers on a permeable base if you want the water to seep into the subsoil. If what is sought is that it be directed to an evacuation zone, it will have to be done on a slope. It will be important not to seal.
This type of paver is highly recommended in pedestrian areas, garden areas, even open car parks.